What is your NEXT STEP on the Pathway to Discipleship?
It is no secret that our relationship with Jesus is intended to be a walk. In fact, the Bible is full of instances where we are told to follow the will of God. Following implies that we are not merely at a stand still, but engaged in action steps that lead us down the path of God's will. So where are you on this pathway? What is your next step in being obedient to Gods call to be a disciple that makes disciples?
The Gathering (Large Group Worship)

What is the gathering?
For many people, this is the very first step once they become a believer. The Large Group worship setting or "The Gathering" is where God's people come together for corporate worship. We are commanded in scripture to gather together, sing praises to our God, and grow in his word together. This time of worship is crucial in being a part of the body of Christ. It is a necessary first step on the pathway of Discipleship.
C - Groups

What is a C-Group?
For starters C-Group is just short for Community Group. A community group is where discipleship begins, where ministry and service grow, and where relationships are nurtured. There early church gathered in small groups. These groups are the most natural expression of the church in community. Jesus preached to the masses, but also chose twelve to teach on a deeper level. That's what a community group looks like.
At First Baptist Church there are opportunities to gather in community with people your own age or with similar life experiences. Whether you are a couple, a single, or looking for a gender based study we can find a community group for you.
Characteristics of a Community Group (C-Group)
10-20 People
Bible Study Centric
Open Discussion of Scripture
Community Building
Service within the Church
D - Groups

What is a D-Group?
Discipleship groups are where the greatest spiritual growth in discipleship takes place. Again, taking our cue from the greatest teacher who ever lived - Jesus Christ. D-Groups involve one leader and three or four members, covenanting together for a regular period of deeper study and reflection in God's Word.
Through this more personal and comfortable encounter, participants will learn together, grow closer in Christian fellowship, and be accountable to one another - The essence of biblical discipleship. As Christ poured Himself into His "group within a group" (Peter, James, and John), D-Groups truly become the refiner's fire where we, as the church, are prepared to mature spiritually into the Kingdom-growers we were created to be.
characteristics of a D-Group
4-6 People | Gender Specific
Bible Study Centric
Open Discussion of Scripture
Scripture Memorization
Community Building
Service within the Church

What does it meant to replicate?
Replication is the crowning achievement in the life of the disciple. It is here that the time spent together in C-Groups, the intensive personal study and reflection of D-Groups, and the upward and outward focus of corporate worship culminate in the believer being prepared to lead others into new expanses of worship and service. That leadership may take on the form of teaching or other church leadership roles. Hopefully, however, it will result in you leading your own D-Group.
In this way, the Great Commission model of Christian growth that began with evangelism - leading others to Christ - is given hands and feet through the development and training of disciples. it is this focus on discipleship - teaching and growing with others, who will teach and grow with others - that results in a church read to reach the world within the Good News of the Gospel.
Characteristic of replication
You Now Lead A D-Group, Rather Than Just Attend
Defined As People Who:
Know Jesus
Are Becoming Like Jesus
Live For Jesus